Friday, April 16, 2010

Wohlfahrt Etude 3 Opus 45

Etude 3 is in G Major with the F being sharp. This affects the first finger on the E string as well as the second finger on the D string. The sixteenth notes can look intimidating at first but you don't need to take it too fast but maybe a bit faster than the first two etudes (I believe I did and had to focus to get it right); the Moderato tempo helps here. The etude starts with the 4th finger that is worth checking with the open E to ensure correct intonation. Open E appears also in this study... Open strings will always sound a bit more brilliant than when played with the 4th finger. Alternating an open string with the 4th finger in the first position is a good thing to do to compare the sound and correct the finger position.

1 comment:

writer girl said...

I so much admire your determination and drive, both with practicing your instrument and with your consistency blogging. You are an inspiration!

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