Thursday, August 13, 2009

A bow to try: THE VERDICT!

OK! First of all, let me apologize for not approving my best friend's Marcus comments in a timely manner. I'm supposed to be receiving notifications when comments are left and it's not happening. I have to check this a bit further!

As for the bow, I thought I had to return it by Tuesday but actually Monday was the day. So I called the store and advised I will pass by at the end of the day.

I must admit after trying the bow and comparing it to mine (and I have a few bows - 2 woods I like a lot; 1 carbon fiber), I didn't see a HUGE difference with my bows. The projection of the loan bow is in a way better and I've noticed that the first time I played it. But when I started testing bow techniques (staccato, legato, sautillé, etc.), I thought my bows did better. The Roderich Paesold (see picture) I have is not only a beautiful bow (I like the unique frog, snake skin, color, etc.) but did well in the sautillé and especially when I played double-stops or chords. It was stable and controllable all the way even though it's on the heavy side. The projection was fair.

One important factor that could make a difference is the bow hair. The Roderich has old, broken and missing hair and this affects so much the sound. The Marco Raposo has fairly new hair that grips to the strings and gives a good punch to the staccatos.

I'm not too sure I would like to put so much money for a bow that I'm not 100% sure about. I used the following chart from Strings Magazine to evaluate the bow:

Bow Comparison Chart (PDF)

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