Saturday, August 29, 2009

What's on my music stand these days... + Son Filé

I started looking at the music for the symphony orchestra next season. It's a great season actually with one of my favorites, Schubert's Unfinished! Some other pieces by Tchaikovsky, Elgar, etc. Still working on a good fingering in high positions.

I've been doing quiet few Son Filé on open strings trying to reach 30 seconds in one bow. It's quiet challenging to keep a good tone in 30 seconds so I start gradually with 2 seconds in a bow and gradually increasing the number. I can sustain an acceptable tone in 24 seconds per bow stroke.

I'm also revisiting some of Wohlfart's studies to work slowly on intonation and most importantly, make something melodic out of a study. Luckily his Etudes are somehow melodic and offer some ground for interpretation.

There's also Kreutzer's 2nd study that comes back like a loop in my practice. I play it in a very slow pace to watch the intonation, control the bow movement and breath.

In concertos, I'm actually working on nothing at this time. I've played some Rieding lately; it's always fun!

I did randomly some 3 octaves scales. It's still very tricky with a fast tempo.

Oh! Before I forget, I took 2 bows to re-hair today. Will have them back on Monday. I also changed the E string and the D. The first one started breaking and the D was just too old. Now the new E sounds Cristal clear and the D is still in the adjustment phase.

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